Pet Stains & Odors

Owners of even the best trained pets will occasionally encounter pet accidents. Often, the urine is not discovered until long after the accident.

The types of damage from pet stains can be diverse and are dependent upon the makeup of the urine.

Urine content will change over the pet’s life because of the pet’s diet, medications, age, health, sex, and reproductive cycles.

Because of these variations, some urine stains may not be removable.

Clean and Tidy Carpet Cleaner offers two (2) pet odor treatments:

Option 1: Minor Odor Treatment

In this treatment an odor eating enzyme will be applied directly to odor causing spots.

Although this treatment is a valiant attempt, it is NOT guaranteed.

Option 2: Major Odor Treatment

In this treatment, we pull the affected carpet up and completely saturate the carpet, backing, and cushion (pad).

This is a very extensive treatment that ensures we get to the source.

This treatment is guaranteed.

*There may be cases when the walls and baseboards are contaminated preventing us from guaranteeing the removal.

We will advise you in advance.